Hi Everyone!  Hope you’re all staying cool during this super hot summer.  FYI: we will be transferring everyone to online scheduling during the next few weeks.  I will keep everyone updated on the exact date that it’ll begin but for now get acquainted with the new system.  You are able to sign up at this time, online, if you’d like:)   You’ll be able to see my complete schedule online.  I’ve already put my unavailable times on the site so you can pick any times that are open.  You can find my scheduling link on my websitecreateyourownfinishline.com under the scheduling tab.  Or click here:  https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=238025.  You’ll need to click setup to set up your new account.

If you want you can make your own login name and password without my help.  If you do this please shoot me an email so I know to delete the account I’ve already set up for you. If you prefer to set up a username and passcode with my assistance we can do that at your next appt under the account that’s already been set up for you.  Thank you:)
Those of you with smart phones can download the mind body app as well to make this transition much smoother.  You will be getting email reminders about your appt times.  Your payments can remain the same for now.
Please email me with any questions.  I can help to book appointments at first if you’re unclear about this new system.  Thank you!
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